When businesses seek more than just solutions to immediate challenges, they turn to advisory/retainer services for ongoing, comprehensive support. This choice embodies a strategic partnership that extends beyond the scope of one-off projects, offering tailored, proactive guidance that evolves alongside your company's journey. It's about embedding a team of experts into the fabric of your organization, who not only understand the intricacies of your business but are committed to driving its long-term success. Ready to transform your strategic approach? Connect with us today to explore how we can achieve greatness together.

Continuous Advisory Services

  • Foundational Strategy Advisory

    Price Range: $2,500 - $5,000 per month

    Included Hours: 10-20 hours per month

    Services Offered:

    • Weekly Check-in Calls: Stay on track and adapt to changes with regular touchpoints. These calls are your chance to get quick advice, address new challenges, and make sure your business remains agile and responsive.

    • Email Support: Quick questions or sudden decisions shouldn't have to wait. Our dedicated email support provides you with access to our consultants, ensuring you're never left without guidance when you need it most.

    • Business Strategy Guidance: Cut through the noise with business, sales, or marketing strategies that resonate with your target audience. We'll help you develop and implement effective plans that build your brand and enhance your growth.

    • Financial Management Advisory: Keep your finances in check and your business on a sustainable path. From budgeting to revenue optimization, our financial management advice is designed to improve your bottom line and support your business's long-term health.

    Designed for small to mid-sized businesses or startups that need strategic guidance and occasional support but are not yet ready for or do not require extensive consultancy involvement.

  • Strategic Partnership

    Price Range: $5,500 - $10,000 per month

    Included Hours: 22-40 hours per month

    Services Offered:

    • Bi-monthly Strategic Planning and Review Sessions with the Entire Team: Dive deep into your organization's strategic challenges and opportunities with our senior consultants. These sessions are designed to refine and align your strategic initiatives with your overarching goals.

    • Weekly Check-in Calls: Maintain momentum and adaptability with regular communication. These calls offer a platform for ongoing guidance, ensuring your strategic objectives remain on track and responsive to new developments.

    • Progress Tracking with BloomGrowth Dashboard: Monitor the success and impact of our strategic initiatives through the BloomGrowth dashboard, ensuring transparent, real-time insights into progress and results.

    • Priority Email Support: Gain direct access to our strategic expertise when you need it most. Our priority email support ensures your queries are answered promptly, keeping your strategic planning agile.

    • Customized Workshops on Design Thinking, Sales, Marketing, and Strategy: Unlock innovation and strategic agility with our tailored workshops. Whether it's harnessing design thinking for creative problem-solving or developing robust strategic frameworks, our facilitation will engage and empower your team.

    • Operational Efficiency and Process Improvement Advisory: Enhance your organization's efficiency with our expert advice on streamlining operations and optimizing processes. We identify and implement improvements that drive productivity and performance.

    • Digital Transformation and AI Strategy Development: Navigate the digital landscape with confidence. Our consultants provide clear, actionable strategies for integrating digital technologies and AI, ensuring your organization stays ahead in a rapidly evolving market.

    Ideal for mid-sized organizations that require more in-depth strategic support and are looking to significantly enhance their operations, leadership capabilities, and competitive stance.

  • Executive Advisory

    Price Range: $10,500 - $20,000+ per month

    Included Hours: 42-80 hours per month

    Services Offered:

    • Weekly Strategic Planning and Execution Support Sessions: Engage in in-depth discussions with our top-tier consultants to refine your strategies, explore new opportunities, and ensure flawless execution. These sessions are designed to keep your organization at the forefront of innovation and efficiency.

    • Unlimited Check-in Calls: Whenever you need guidance, reassurance, or a second opinion, our team is just a call away. With unlimited access, you can ensure that every decision is informed by expert advice.

    • Priority Email Support: Your queries and concerns are always on top of our list. With priority email support, you'll receive prompt and detailed responses, ensuring no delay in your strategic initiatives.

    • Customized Industry Insights and Competitive Analysis: Arm yourself with bespoke reports that offer a deep dive into market trends, competitive landscapes, and emerging opportunities. Tailored specifically for your business, these insights will guide your strategic decisions with precision.

    • Comprehensive Digital Transformation and AI Implementation Planning: Navigate the complex digital landscape with a clear, actionable plan for integrating cutting-edge technologies into your operations. Our experts will guide you through every step, from selection to implementation, ensuring your business remains ahead of the technological curve.

    • Organizational Structure and Change Management Advisory: As your business evolves, so must your organizational structure. We provide expert advice on designing a structure that supports your strategic goals, alongside change management strategies to ensure smooth transitions.

    • Crisis Management and Strategic Pivot Support: In today's fast-paced business environment, the ability to pivot quickly is invaluable. Our team stands ready to support you through crisis management and strategic shifts, ensuring resilience and adaptability.

    Designed for larger or rapidly growing organizations that require extensive, ongoing support across multiple areas of their business, seeking to leverage a close advisory relationship to drive significant growth, transformation, and market leadership.

Advance Your Business Strategy with Precision Advisory

Deciding to engage with a strategic advisory firm marks a critical pivot towards refined strategy and enhanced operational efficiency for your business. At AdvantEdge Anthology Partners, we recognize the diverse challenges and goals that drive companies forward. Our commitment is to deliver bespoke strategic guidance and actionable solutions tailored to your specific business context. Let concerns about costs take a backseat; our priority lies in providing a substantial return on your investment through a clear, value-driven approach. With flexible packages and the innovative BloomGrowth dashboard for transparent progress tracking, we make high-level strategic advisory accessible to businesses ready for growth and efficiency. Partner with us for detailed, data-driven insights and strategies that steer your business towards its strategic objectives. Our hands-on approach ensures personalized attention and tailored strategies that larger firms simply can't match, driving your business toward success with precision and care. Reach out today to discover how a partnership with AdvantEdge Anthology Partners can sharpen your competitive edge and streamline your path to success.