Pro Bono Services Initiative for Businesses

We proudly announce our Pro Bono Business Services Initiative, tailored to rejuvenate businesses facing growth challenges. Each quarter, eligible businesses can benefit from expert guidance in strategic planning, digital transformation, and more. Co-led by Lina Rugova and Shelley Mann, this three-month program dedicates up to 6 hours monthly to propel businesses towards new levels of success.

Apply today to transform your business strategies and operational efficiencies with seasoned experts.

Shelley Mann and Lina Rugova Pro Bono Business Services

Duration and Commitment to Pro Bono Partnership

At AdvantEdge Anthology Partners, we are committed to making a tangible impact on the businesses we partner with through our Pro Bono Services Initiative. To ensure focused, impactful collaboration, we have established the following terms for our engagement:

Duration of Services

Our pro bono services are structured as a three-month intensive partnership. This limited timeframe is designed to foster rapid progress and concentrated effort, ensuring that we can deliver meaningful results for your business. The partnership will commence on the date we mutually agree to start our collaboration and extend precisely for three months.

Commitment to Engagement

We guarantee to dedicate 8-10 hours each month to working with our pro bono partner. This time will be spent on strategic planning, analysis, implementation guidance, and regular check-ins to monitor progress and adjust strategies as necessary.

Requirement for Weekly Meetings

To maximize the effectiveness of our services and maintain momentum, we require weekly meetings with the key stakeholders of your business. These sessions will serve as a platform for:

  • Reviewing the progress of implemented strategies and initiatives.

  • Discussing challenges and brainstorming solutions.

  • Planning and prioritizing tasks for the coming week.

  • Ensuring alignment between your team and our consultants.

These weekly meetings are crucial for fostering a collaborative environment and ensuring that the partnership is productive and aligned with your business objectives.

Our Promise

We are dedicated to providing high-quality, impactful assistance through our pro bono services. While we commit to spending 4-6 hours monthly, our focus will be on delivering value and achieving significant progress within three months.

By agreeing to this partnership, your business commits to active participation and collaboration, ensuring that we can collectively achieve the best possible outcomes during our time-limited engagement.

Empowering Businesses

Eligibility Criteria

  • Business Size: Must have an annual revenue of $1 million and above.

  • Employee Base: Must have at least 5 employees.

  • Current Challenge: Must be experiencing a growth plateau or strategic challenges.

Our Offerings

Over three months, managing partners Lina Rugova and Shelley Mann will dedicate 4-6 hours per month to assist one selected business. Our services encompass:

  • Strategic Planning: Crafting a roadmap for sustainable growth.

  • Market Research: Unveiling insights to capture market opportunities.

  • Exit Planning: Preparing for a successful business transition or sale.

  • Business Acquisition Prep: Strategizing for acquisition readiness.

  • Digital Transformation: Innovating operations through digital solutions.

  • Core Business Operations: Enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Innovation Strategy & Delivery: Fostering a culture of innovation.

  • Pricing & Revenue Management: Maximizing profitability.

  • Brand Development: Building a powerful and lasting brand identity.

  • Marketing Strategy for Growth: Accelerating market presence and customer engagement.

  • Sales Strategy, Sales Optimization, and Sales Team Empowerment: Enhancing sales performance.

How to Apply

Interested companies should submit an application detailing their current challenges, business size, and why they believe they are the perfect candidate for this initiative. Applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, with consideration given to the potential impact of our services on the applicant’s growth and success.

Lina and Shelley San Antonio Free Business Advice

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Lina Rugova and Shelley Mann AdvantEdge Anthology Partners Pro Bono

Initial Application